Friday, April 10, 2015

Reading Reflection 10

“Taking time to reflect helps students feel good about their acomplishments, but more importantly, reflection can be a thing that makes learning really stick.” They will think about things they might not necessarily dwelled on because often in a classroom setting, when a project is finished, you quickly move on without any extra thought. When students are given the time to reflect they are making their own meaning out of what was learned. When a student can have specific meaning, they are so much more likely to remember. This is key because the most important aspect of doing project-based learning, is that students will be able to take more out of it. Offering them time to reflect also allows for critical feedback. 
All schools are different, and schools’ identities are linked to their traditions. When in your own classroom, if you can establish a traditional project it will set up a foundation. Younger students will look forward to getting to your classroom because of years of other students doing the same project. This builds excitement for the younger students to get there.
Showing off student work is absolutely vital for many reasons. This gives students a sense of pride, but it also shows your appreciation for their hard work. When students are spending so much of their time on a specific assignment or project, it is important that their work does not go “unseen” so they don’t feel like it was wasteful.

This chapter relates to our topic because with project-based learning I think it really is important to reflect for feedback. When creating a project you will need to alter it to make is as successful as possible. Getting feedback allows you to do so. Also when doing project based learning “celebrating” the work is just exactly what we do. We post to our blogs, upload videos etc.  


  1. Well done. My favorite part of this chapter is the portion about showing of the students work, so I liked it when you said their work shouldn't go unseen.

  2. i like where you said "Showing off student work is absolutely vital for many reasons. This gives students a sense of pride, but it also shows your appreciation for their hard work. When students are spending so much of their time on a specific assignment or project, it is important that their work does not go “unseen” so they don’t feel like it was wasteful." This did not happen to me very much and i felt unsure about my work.
